Contemporary Architecture made in Germany

An article

by NAX

Contemporary Architecture made in Germany

Under the auspices of the Network for Architectural Exchange (NAX) of the German Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK), 35 of Germany's leading architectural practices have addressed the challenges of modern global life for the NAX exhibition for 2015-20. They developed approaches to solutions and put them into practice in the context of real, existing building projects.

The result was a travelling exhibition that set new milestones in the global architectural discourse in the years to come.

NAX is a growing association of German planners who are internationally successful. NAX not only promotes contact between colleagues from Germany and abroad, but also brings together planners, clients and investors from all over the world.

Nax went Dashilar – Exhibition CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE. MADE IN GERMANY in Peking, China


Contemporary Architecture made in Germany

@ Deutsche Welle

“German architects tackle global issues”
Did you know that part of China’s National Library and a St. Petersburg hospital were built by German architects? Architecture firms in Germany are expanding in developing markets by solving modern urban problems.
The coverage from Paris can be found here in english and in german.

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